ICON SMART 2022 :: International Conference On Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology 2021
      MIPAnet and MDSM Annual Meeting
The 3rd International Conference On Natural Sciences,
Mathematics, Applications, Research, and Technology
( ICON SMART  2022 )
Hybrid: Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Kuta, Bali & Zoom
3 - 4 June 2022
MIPAnet     MDSM
Majlis Dekan
Sains dan Matematik
Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Manado, Indonesia
Universitas Cenderawasih,
Jayapura, Indonesia 
Universitas Udayana,
Badung/Denpasar, Indonesia 
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha,
Singaraja, Indonesia 
Yokohama National University,
Yokohama, Japan 
Prince of Songkla University,
Hat Yai, Thailand 
Universitas Mataram,
Mataram, Indonesia 
Universitas Negeri Malang,
Malang, Indonesia 
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
Salatiga, Indonesia 
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo,
Gorontalo, Indonesia 
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 Mathematical Physics and Biotechnology for Education, Energy Efficiency, and Marine Industries
Prof. Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman

Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Selangor, Malaysia.

Professor Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman is currently the Senior Professor of Chemistry at Universiti Putra Malaysia and was appointed as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D in Catalysis Chemistry in 1999 at the University of Southampton. He developed skills in catalysis at synchrotron radiation in Daresbury (UK) and Grenoble (France), protein engineering at Osaka University and postdoctoral in structural biology at the University of Edinburgh. His research areas include biocatalysis, chemical biology, computational chemistry and nanobiotechnology. Mohd Basyaruddin is among the pioneer chemists in this country to synergise experimental results with theoretical insights. He has published more than 200 cited papers and 300 proceedings in the wide field of biocatalysis and computational chemistry. To date, more than 20 patent applications have been filed in Malaysia and 10 internationally. He has supervised and co-supervised more than 50 PhD and 50 MSc postgraduate students. He won various recognitions from various bodies including ACS, IUPAC and IAP. He also won the National Intellectual Property Award 2009 and was named The Outstanding Young Malaysian 2008. He was the Founding Chairman of the Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Fellow of Academy of Sciences Malaysia, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials. Other than research, he actively participated in STEM outreach activities in schools and local communities.