Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia |
Universitas Ma Chung, Malang, Indonesia |
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Singaraja, Indonesia |
Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan |
Politeknik Energi dan Mineral Akamigas Blora, Indonesia |
Universitas Udayana, Badung/Denpasar, Indonesia |
Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand |
Universitas Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia |
Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Indonesia |
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Johor, Malaysia |
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, Indonesia |
Universitas Tadulako Palu, Indonesia |
Home | Registration | Participants | Schedule | Field Trips | Gallery / Downloads | Past Conferences | About Us |
Theme: Data Optimization for Instrumentation Physics, Food Security, and Energy Sustainability. How About AI? |
No | Name | Study Program |
1 | Akram Karim | Biology |
2 | Amanda Carolina Runtuwene | Biology |
3 | Anastasia Naomi Enjelina Wuwung | Biology |
4 | Angela Tupelu | Biology |
5 | Anggia Anggella Leinda Putri Mangobi | Biology |
6 | Cinthya Moningka | Biology |
7 | Erminda Halawa | Biology |
8 | Gichella Rumenser | Biology |
9 | Givliani Tasya mamesah | Biology |
10 | Intan Michaela Purukan | Biology |
11 | Jesika alisia Arina | Biology |
12 | Julia Maria Siby | Biology |
13 | Kesia Ervina Tampanguma | Biology |
14 | Lora Gian Auberta Hutajulu | Biology |
15 | Nadia Warda Sekar Sari | Biology |
16 | Novita dwi yulianti kamai | Biology |
17 | Rica Olivia.L | Biology |
18 | SRI ANGGRAINI ALI | Biology |
19 | Yeni Agselvia | Biology |
20 | Zen Fauzan Ismail | Biology |
21 | Ziqra Maharani Van Gobel | Biology |
23 | Alfa Gian Richard Seran | Chemistry |
24 | Angelina Arselia Sengkey | Chemistry |
25 | Anita Permatasari Susilonadi | Chemistry |
26 | Christin Angely Tengor | Chemistry |
27 | Dandi Eduard Rapitan | Chemistry |
28 | Dion warouw | Chemistry |
29 | Englin Mewengkang | Chemistry |
30 | Evrintania limbong | Chemistry |
31 | Geby Pratiwi Senolinggi | Chemistry |
33 | Gillby Peatrick Dion Laseduw | Chemistry |
34 | Grace Putri Dapamanis | Chemistry |
35 | Josianly Angelica Monolimay | Chemistry |
36 | Juneske Fisye Nimet | Chemistry |
37 | Lala Jazzy Lonteng | Chemistry |
38 | Marchelino Christofel Muaja | Chemistry |
39 | Muaja Olivia Debby Angle | Chemistry |
40 | Nicky Mesika Nesa | Chemistry |
41 | Nida Nisa Leha | Chemistry |
42 | Paulix tuther | Chemistry |
43 | Rahmania Azizah | Chemistry |
45 | Refael Kojong Pertama | Chemistry |
46 | Regina Pairunan | Chemistry |
47 | Rilia Christin Olke Mundung | Chemistry |
48 | Sandra Maria Naftali Mamahit | Chemistry |
49 | Threesanola Nasaret Wongkar | Chemistry |
50 | Timothy Turangan | Chemistry |
51 | Titania Aprilia kasala | Chemistry |
52 | Twinkle Lontoh | Chemistry |
53 | Valentino Sumarauw | Chemistry |
54 | Wenni Friska Samsudin | Chemistry |
55 | Winanda Simon | Chemistry |
56 | Yolanda Anugrah Putri | Chemistry |
57 | Adelin Nelsyia Pieter | Information Systems |
58 | Aerangga Hizkia putra Suhendro | Information Systems |
59 | Aldrich Brian Mangile | Information Systems |
60 | Alvin Renaldy Theodorus | Information Systems |
61 | Alya Yasinta Uno | Information Systems |
62 | Andari Chintya Zalfa Rahima Ghaniyya Paramadina | Information Systems |
63 | Angelic Celline Scolastica Mailangkay | Information Systems |
64 | Aprilia Nelcelyn Tabukang | Information Systems |
65 | Ariel Steven Gantare | Information Systems |
66 | Aristo Socrates Kaunang | Information Systems |
67 | Austin Evangelisto Gratiano Christoffel | Information Systems |
68 | Bryan I Gusti Fauzan Larumunde | Information Systems |
69 | Calvin Kakase | Information Systems |
70 | Chalvaria Miranda Tempoh | Information Systems |
71 | Chelsea Emely Mawikere | Information Systems |
72 | christarmy giovedi anfis manus | Information Systems |
73 | Christy Shania Lumintang | Information Systems |
74 | Daniel Jeremi igir | Information Systems |
75 | Dave Stephanus Sepang | Information Systems |
76 | Debora Rifni Igir | Information Systems |
77 | Ericho Riedel Sambur | Information Systems |
78 | Ernest Emmanuel | Information Systems |
79 | Evan Jeremiah Kent Kapoh | Information Systems |
80 | Fallan Parengkuan | Information Systems |
81 | Fernando Terok | Information Systems |
82 | Frieni Hendrik | Information Systems |
83 | Gabriela Gracia Dien | Information Systems |
84 | Gherika Michella Stevanny Gerungan | Information Systems |
85 | Giveanna Gracia Terok | Information Systems |
86 | Hizkia Eleazer Tindage Maengkom | Information Systems |
87 | I Gede Ananda Krisna Pranajaya | Information Systems |
88 | Ida bagus gratiano putra | Information Systems |
89 | Imannuel Christian Palandeng | Information Systems |
90 | Inry Bua Rante | Information Systems |
91 | JANA CHEREN CATTLYN WORANG | Information Systems |
92 | Jesen Patadjenu | Information Systems |
93 | Kerenh Sutjipto | Information Systems |
94 | KEVIN DEREL MOMONGAN | Information Systems |
95 | Kurniawan Soleman | Information Systems |
96 | Las Dorenta Hutasoit | Information Systems |
97 | Lia Fransina Rumteh | Information Systems |
98 | Maharani Margareth Massie Hihola | Information Systems |
99 | Mario Fransiskus Lomban | Information Systems |
100 | Maverick Yort Mamanua | Information Systems |
101 | Mikhael Rifly Sururama | Information Systems |
102 | Mutiara Ramadhani Mohamad | Information Systems |
103 | Nathanael Seiri Englander Oroh | Information Systems |
104 | Nathasya Anggraini | Information Systems |
105 | NOVEL NATANAEL SENGKEY | Information Systems |
106 | Pascalita Marcela Sinedu | Information Systems |
107 | Rama Ijon Turnip | Information Systems |
108 | REIVALDO TJULUKU | Information Systems |
109 | Rifa Maritza | Information Systems |
110 | Risktama Okland Tandjaja | Information Systems |
111 | Ronald Elisa Sumakul | Information Systems |
112 | Schin Nasarani Pangaribuan | Information Systems |
113 | Sintikhe Yemima Komalig | Information Systems |
114 | Syahrul Ramadhan Ahmad | Information Systems |
115 | Talitha Rosemari Lovely Rondonuwu | Information Systems |
116 | Tesalonika Putri Wola | Information Systems |
117 | Tiara Gloriani Siwu | Information Systems |
118 | Veronica sriyanti lajuma | Information Systems |
119 | William Hegel | Information Systems |
120 | Yalon Bu'tu Pagewang | Information Systems |
121 | Yudinus alom | Information Systems |
122 | Yusrielvis Remak | Information Systems |
123 | Agnes Meigirl Lebe | Mathematics |
124 | Alfrits Alamat | Mathematics |
125 | Alvin Gilbert Kolinu | Mathematics |
126 | Anci Ramasinta Bokang | Mathematics |
127 | Anjelika Mutiara Nurdin | Mathematics |
128 | ANSYA AIRIN BUKASIANG | Mathematics |
129 | Aprilia Anjelia Karinda | Mathematics |
130 | Arella Batya Lontaan | Mathematics |
131 | Asni pagappong | Mathematics |
132 | Aura Naisyilla Putri | Mathematics |
133 | Aurylio Teguh Tatontos | Mathematics |
134 | Brenda Dalle Lowing | Mathematics |
135 | Christina Irwan | Mathematics |
136 | Cristian Tatontos | Mathematics |
137 | Deamitha saroinsong | Mathematics |
138 | Deborah Ngantung | Mathematics |
139 | ENJELINA FRISKA NGALA | Mathematics |
140 | Erica Caesaria Mokoagow | Mathematics |
141 | Euanggelia Songkaton | Mathematics |
142 | Eveline Erayani Ezra Madi | Mathematics |
143 | Febi Manurun | Mathematics |
144 | Feibi Triska Mugama | Mathematics |
145 | Fhilitsya Patolenganeng | Mathematics |
146 | Franky Susanto | Mathematics |
147 | Freya Emily Theresia Tombokan | Mathematics |
148 | Frisca Catrinda Rahardjo | Mathematics |
149 | Girinda Sigilipu | Mathematics |
150 | Gloria Josephina lontaan | Mathematics |
151 | Glorya Mishelin Victorina Tamasalang | Mathematics |
152 | GREATLY HIZKIA MANUA | Mathematics |
153 | Hana Erilya Mametu | Mathematics |
154 | Indramaya Mokodompis | Mathematics |
155 | JEINI LOSOH | Mathematics |
156 | Jesen Maabuat | Mathematics |
157 | JOY Y.A. REPI | Mathematics |
158 | Kirey Anugrah Putri Rakian | Mathematics |
159 | Kristania Ana Maria Legi | Mathematics |
160 | Lanberta Ch Talugo | Mathematics |
161 | Nadia Khumairah Manusama | Mathematics |
162 | Nofrani Anastasya Mayasari Repi | Mathematics |
163 | Olivia Cahyani S. Ladjuma | Mathematics |
164 | Pratiwi Devi Supredjo | Mathematics |
165 | Queen Beauty Tumewang | Mathematics |
166 | Regina Febiola Kumendong | Mathematics |
167 | Regina Riung | Mathematics |
168 | Rini Hestiani Pakiding | Mathematics |
169 | Selti Tappi | Mathematics |
170 | Sintia Rohania Topah | Mathematics |
171 | Sutirawati Mokoagow | Mathematics |
172 | SWEETLEY IRIANTY SAERANG | Mathematics |
173 | Timothy Chrisvalley Mokalu | Mathematics |
174 | Vinda Ristia Nina | Mathematics |
175 | Vivi Vitacrisye Haribae | Mathematics |
176 | Welly Sianzi Wong Dalipang | Mathematics |
177 | WELMIN PUTRI BULELE | Mathematics |
178 | Yelmiwaftara Lamaya | Mathematics |
179 | Yuliana Elyzabeth Rahardjo | Mathematics |
180 | Afina Ratmalika | Pharmacy |
181 | Ahmad Fauzi Alfakih | Pharmacy |
182 | Akwila Lumuko | Pharmacy |
183 | Alain Azza Delon | Pharmacy |
184 | Alexandria Lovelia Maramis | Pharmacy |
185 | Alvira Siti Humairah Saleh | Pharmacy |
186 | Amalia Septiani | Pharmacy |
187 | Ananda Gracela Onny | Pharmacy |
188 | Andini Khoiriyah | Pharmacy |
189 | Andini Zhafirah Wumu | Pharmacy |
190 | Andrea Armando Pangandaheng | Pharmacy |
191 | Andrea Grace Victoria Oktavianus | Pharmacy |
192 | Angelica Aprilia | Pharmacy |
193 | Anggreine Juliviana Megangsa | Pharmacy |
194 | Aprilia Jeniver Demas S | Pharmacy |
195 | Arliani Admia Dangkepudi | Pharmacy |
196 | ARYANI AZZIERA KARIM | Pharmacy |
197 | Ashley Jeana Amelia Antou | Pharmacy |
198 | Athalia larenggam | Pharmacy |
199 | Augie Renata Latisha Mamahit | Pharmacy |
200 | Auliv Frechilia Belinda Rarung | Pharmacy |
201 | Aurelindsey Gwyne Ayershea Roring | Pharmacy |
202 | AZMI | Pharmacy |
203 | Bertran Meyfel Zefanya Sinaulan | Pharmacy |
204 | Bimo Randy Pattihahuan | Pharmacy |
205 | Brenda Naomi Rompas | Pharmacy |
206 | Brigita Joy Minggu | Pharmacy |
207 | Caesilia Tria Khofifa Paputungan | Pharmacy |
208 | Carla Naftali Rani Ontoan | Pharmacy |
209 | Chaterine Wulan Rotinsulu | Pharmacy |
210 | Chelin Pascalin Pelleng | Pharmacy |
211 | Chelina Rompis | Pharmacy |
212 | Chelli Sania Kaani | Pharmacy |
213 | Cheren Pascalina Pelleng | Pharmacy |
214 | Chlarisa putri titi | Pharmacy |
215 | Chrisentio Julio Sumangando | Pharmacy |
216 | Christian Jordan Pangemanan | Pharmacy |
217 | Christina Gloria Agow | Pharmacy |
218 | Christopher Grhacius D. Manoppo | Pharmacy |
219 | Cinta Auliyah Rahmi Pudul | Pharmacy |
220 | Cinta Trinity Pinangkaan | Pharmacy |
221 | Clein Fay Gilberth Hamel | Pharmacy |
222 | Corneles Joshua Dave Naa | Pharmacy |
223 | Debora afrilayanti purba | Pharmacy |
224 | DEBORA MERRIE ITEM | Pharmacy |
225 | Della Elshaday Ronga | Pharmacy |
226 | DESTRIA ROSLIN PELU | Pharmacy |
227 | Deswita Putri Mamma | Pharmacy |
228 | Devita Putri Cahyani Larage | Pharmacy |
229 | Dhita Elsavera Taju | Pharmacy |
230 | Dwi Rezky Ladyqurana | Pharmacy |
231 | Elgivian Siage | Pharmacy |
232 | Elisabeth Debora Pintaria Sinaga | Pharmacy |
233 | Elisabeth Magdalena Palandeng | Pharmacy |
234 | Elvira Valerie Salindeho | Pharmacy |
235 | Emily Neysa Toba | Pharmacy |
236 | Erin syabanita | Pharmacy |
237 | Eurike Kezia Aurelia Wongkar | Pharmacy |
238 | Fadillah Sofian Lamani | Pharmacy |
239 | Fajar Riza Harianto | Pharmacy |
240 | Feybe F. A Gosal | Pharmacy |
241 | Fikri Liputo | Pharmacy |
242 | Florensia Gratia Manopo | Pharmacy |
243 | Freskila Desi Dalengkade | Pharmacy |
244 | Gabriela Natalia Moa | Pharmacy |
245 | Gloria defita takasana | Pharmacy |
246 | Grace Lapalesa | Pharmacy |
247 | Gracyela Geby Pangimangen | Pharmacy |
248 | Grasheila Gea Tulandi | Pharmacy |
249 | Gratia Angelia Maria Longkutoy | Pharmacy |
251 | Hana Fredecilia Laurensia | Pharmacy |
252 | Hanna pertiwi | Pharmacy |
253 | Hayden Hamzah Bukamo | Pharmacy |
254 | Henricus Delon Danielson | Pharmacy |
255 | Hermelina Nusmese | Pharmacy |
256 | Hutri Gracia Wurangian | Pharmacy |
257 | Immanuel Gilbert Riedel Kondoj | Pharmacy |
258 | Inda permata anggraeni | Pharmacy |
259 | Indah ayu saraswati | Pharmacy |
260 | Injilia Gratcia Margaritha Mewo | Pharmacy |
262 | INJILIANA B.V SIWI | Pharmacy |
263 | Jaya Gunawan Salim | Pharmacy |
264 | Jean sriwanti Homenta | Pharmacy |
265 | Jelly Angelia | Pharmacy |
266 | Jenifer Queen Kaesang | Pharmacy |
267 | Joan Putri Permadhi | Pharmacy |
269 | Jordanescu Azarya Toar Sumampouw | Pharmacy |
271 | Kamillah Firyaal Kanayah Hullah | Pharmacy |
272 | Karen Tiffany Lepar | Pharmacy |
273 | Kasih Gabriela Balo | Pharmacy |
274 | Kenjiro Jeremia Kullit | Pharmacy |
275 | Keren Claudia Sajow | Pharmacy |
276 | Kevin Adesaputra Abdullah | Pharmacy |
277 | Kevin Jonathan Karongkong | Pharmacy |
278 | Keysih Christiani Suoth | Pharmacy |
279 | Kezia Aprilia Putri Manein | Pharmacy |
280 | Kirsten Milanie Lempoy | Pharmacy |
281 | Laili Jannatain | Pharmacy |
282 | Lidia Syalomita Celsy Mandey | Pharmacy |
283 | Lingkan Revalina Ribka Sendeong | Pharmacy |
284 | Maria Gloria Marselina Sumendap | Pharmacy |
285 | Maria Putri Pratiknjo | Pharmacy |
286 | Marsha Salsabila | Pharmacy |
287 | Maurenchy Imanuela Sumarauw | Pharmacy |
288 | Melsy Angeline Febrianti | Pharmacy |
289 | Melva Rut Wewengkang | Pharmacy |
290 | Meydelin Mona Ester Pieter | Pharmacy |
291 | Mezelia Putri Angkasa | Pharmacy |
292 | Monica Audrey Mewalo | Pharmacy |
293 | Muhamad Rezeki Sabara | Pharmacy |
294 | Muhammad Hikmal Hanif Tubagus | Pharmacy |
295 | Mut Mainah | Pharmacy |
296 | Nabilla Wulan Sari | Pharmacy |
297 | Nadia aulia tampongangoi | Pharmacy |
298 | Nailah Mada Pratista | Pharmacy |
299 | Najwa Faila | Pharmacy |
300 | Najwa Minabari | Pharmacy |
301 | Natalia Tesalonika Paulina Mangare | Pharmacy |
302 | Natalie Marsaulina Simbolon | Pharmacy |
303 | Natasya Tansala | Pharmacy |
304 | Nathania Michaella Suwandhi | Pharmacy |
305 | Naya Miftakhul Janna Mokodompit | Pharmacy |
306 | Nia putriana inggriani mairuma | Pharmacy |
307 | Nikita Wenben | Pharmacy |
308 | Novanda Liliani Bawiling | Pharmacy |
309 | Nurul Khasanah | Pharmacy |
310 | Oktaviani Jenisa Mokodongan | Pharmacy |
311 | Patricia Rachel Tesalonika | Pharmacy |
313 | Praysti Pondaag | Pharmacy |
315 | prisca prisillia salindeho | Pharmacy |
316 | Priscillia Avellie Lili | Pharmacy |
317 | Priska Rachmad | Pharmacy |
318 | Putri Artika Sari Maniku | Pharmacy |
319 | Putri Fazriya Sofyan | Pharmacy |
320 | RAFAEL LANIPI | Pharmacy |
322 | Rajab Bukhari | Pharmacy |
323 | Ramdhani Ananda Jaya Putri | Pharmacy |
324 | Relian Dailangi | Pharmacy |
325 | Revalina sisilia Bonde | Pharmacy |
326 | Richard Stevend Tominggot | Pharmacy |
327 | Salwa Saika Najwa | Pharmacy |
329 | Santo Aloysius Miglov Mamahit | Pharmacy |
330 | SARENIA | Pharmacy |
331 | Selly Sintiya Agus Susanto | Pharmacy |
332 | Seppriani | Pharmacy |
333 | Sheqina Glorilly Laloan | Pharmacy |
334 | Siti Nur Azizah | Pharmacy |
335 | Stefanly Kasih Sariowan | Pharmacy |
336 | Stevani Putri Karisma | Pharmacy |
337 | Stievanno Eucharisto A. Mondigir | Pharmacy |
339 | Syallyta Benedicta Injilia Inri Kewas | Pharmacy |
340 | Syalomita Lijien Malingkas | Pharmacy |
341 | Syeina Amin | Pharmacy |
342 | Syelomita Manuela Pelealu | Pharmacy |
343 | Talita Tampongangoy | Pharmacy |
344 | Tanjani Hidayah | Pharmacy |
345 | Tarisa Suryani Awali | Pharmacy |
346 | Tesa Mellita Ekaristy Kalumata | Pharmacy |
348 | Tjia Lorindah Vanesya Kairupan | Pharmacy |
349 | Tri Febriani Mokoginta | Pharmacy |
350 | Valentino Claudio miracle wongkar | Pharmacy |
351 | Vania Belinda Gitareja Labesi | Pharmacy |
352 | Vaynestian Stevanus Welsam Polii | Pharmacy |
353 | Velky Marsel Tagah | Pharmacy |
354 | Vellycia Greycia Tapahing | Pharmacy |
355 | Vicentia Laura Christina Reppi | Pharmacy |
356 | Viktorina Providentia Merukh Suoth | Pharmacy |
357 | Virgil Ananda Tandiarrang | Pharmacy |
358 | William Wesley Samuel Pangkong | Pharmacy |
359 | Yanti Rista Kala'Lembang | Pharmacy |
360 | Yehezkiel Silo Sondakh | Pharmacy |
361 | Yenglian comaria putri karu | Pharmacy |
362 | Yuliani Tefa | Pharmacy |
363 | Yuni Rianti Segala Pulisang | Pharmacy |
364 | Yuni Shally Tombokan | Pharmacy |
365 | Yunita Tanebulo | Pharmacy |
366 | Zhakira intan R.Pontoh | Pharmacy |
367 | Zuriel P.H.L Manabung | Pharmacy |
368 | Agnes Lodya George | Physics |
369 | Alfonso Willy Umboh | Physics |
370 | Andrea Wahyu Kalase | Physics |
371 | Anggrayni Tamangendar | Physics |
373 | Bonitha Elisabet Nababan | Physics |
374 | Chatalya Ditha Lasabuda | Physics |
375 | Dea Pantow | Physics |
376 | Dinda Mokoende | Physics |
377 | Gilbert Mongula | Physics |
378 | Gratia Sagai | Physics |
379 | Heolifa Risye Runtuwene | Physics |
380 | Hernanda Ladysweety Toar | Physics |
381 | Irenne gracella | Physics |
382 | Jessicha Asumbak | Physics |
383 | Joshua Anumpitan Tatura | Physics |
384 | Kristina Unso | Physics |
385 | Letia R. Benaino | Physics |
386 | Magdalena Manus | Physics |
387 | Marco Alfiano Laoh | Physics |
388 | Mary kathryn Rasubala | Physics |
389 | Meyshie Milanie Thesalonica Liem | Physics |
390 | Mohamad Bintang Saputra | Physics |
391 | Mohammad Risky Firmansyah Adam | Physics |
392 | Rafly Aditya Abudu | Physics |
393 | Sabrina M.Z.H. Ratag | Physics |
395 | Wiradiva Tampanguma | Physics |
396 | Zefanya Sheren Pontoh | Physics |
397 | Aourelia Anisa Akuba | pilih |
398 | Carla Cameron Mamarimbing | pilih |
399 | Dhenysha Berliana Gonta | pilih |
No | Study Program | #Participants |
1 | Pharmacy | 188 |
2 | Information Systems | 66 |
3 | Mathematics | 57 |
4 | Chemistry | 35 |
5 | Physics | 29 |
6 | Biology | 21 |
7 | pilih | 3 |